An uplifting flow to create space and boundaries in the mind & body.
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
A gentle stretch for the pregnant body with a 30-minute rainbow relaxation.
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
The Spotify Link is here
A stretchy flexi session to open those tight little spots in your body.
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
Fire up your quads & hamstrings as you wake up the side body.
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
Find your space and strength in your hips with this happy hippy focused flow.
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
Find your balance and your power with this full-body stretch and flow.
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
A gentle stretch and guided relaxation.
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
Runners release - a stretch session
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
Open the chest & heart space with this full body flow
A gentle stretch followed by guided relaxation in a position that suits your body.
A full-body opener to create change!
Opening up the body when you have been unwell.
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
Twist & turn to wake up that core, the shoulders and get into the hips
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
A wake up for the core & legs to help you rise!
Take the options that are right for you.
Open up the side body as you create length & strength allowing you tot to help yourself and others
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
Full body release to help you find your power
Opening the chest & shoulders
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
Enjoy, Kirsti x
Focus on moving in circular patterns and in your circular joints - shoulders & hips which can get really tight.
The playlist is here
Gentle floor-based release focused on the runner's to lengthen the legs & create happier hips
Gentle floor-based release to feel all of the release along the way.
Full body release with a focus on quads & shoulders.
Opening the body in fun youthful ways.
Playing with the ups & downs of mobility & flexibility.
Opening up the chest, shoulders, and side body whilst expanding the breath.
A mid-paced release ideal for the hotter weather.
Slower without being slow. Softer without being soft.
Open up the quads & hip flexors, lengthen & wake up the hamstrings.
Lengthen the quads & hip flexors, and wake up the hamstrings.
Fire up the core to set boundaries as you let go of external influences and create your personal space.
Moving & flowing with a focus on listening to the brain/ body connection - the mind.
How are messages received, sent, and perceived?
Are the messages critical, or supportive?
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
Taking time to focus on yourself, your breath, your movement pattern.
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga
Tappy Toes to Happy Hips.
A wake-up for runners.
Below is the Spotify link:
Remember to take the option that is right for your body, today - there are no medals in yoga.
Enjoy, Kirsti x
Small Connections drive Big Movements.
Bring your awareness to the smaller joints & muscles that provide the stability to then allow the fluidity & mobility of the larger flowing movements.
Below is the Spotify link:
Heavy vs light.
Finding the sensations of heaviness and lightness through your body.
Below is the spotify link:
Chair yoga for the days when you need some variation or you break a toe.
Slow & gentle movement with time for awareness of differences.
The Spotify playlist is here
Awareness without judgment.
Allow yourself to move without judgment.
Allow yourself to think freely without judgment.
See how different it could be.
Happy Hips
Find space in tight hips.
Feel strength building in wiggly hips.
Circles of life.
Making circles with the body. Acknowledging the circles of life.
Circles of life.
Making circles with the body. Acknowledging the circles of life.
Neck & shoulder release that is perfect for those days when you’ve been hunched over for too long
Guided body scan and soft release
The Spotify playlist link is here
All about the hips!
Spotify Playlist is
Finding the balance of heavy vs light in your mind & your body. Feel grounded without being weighted down. Feel light without floating away.
Letting Go of what doesn’t serve you
Feeding & nurturing your purpose
Finding release in the mind & body with a combination of vinyasa flow and restorative Hatha .
The Spotify playlist is here
The Spotify Playlist link is:
The Spotify Playlist link is:
Open the chest. Find length in your side body. Mobilise your hips.
Release tension that builds up in your chest, shoulders, pelvis, and legs that can follow a running session.
Align your spine, wake up your centre, mobilise your hips & shoulders while connecting with optimal breathing patterns.
Fire up your centre while connecting your running pattern, lengthen your hamstrings, and open your chest & shoulders.