Teaching pregnancy yoga through infertility

Trigger Warning: PL | TTC


I’m often asked, “How do you manage to teach pregnancy and postnatal yoga when you struggle with your own infertility?”

This is a good question and something I’ve heard several times when people find out about our struggles to conceive and

have our own baby.

For me, teaching is about you, not me.

What I am going through is parked when I walk into the room and start laying out mats


I teach to share yoga with you, to help you understand the changes in your mind & body, to help you feel more confident on this massive journey you’re embarking on.

There have been moments after a pregnancy loss or an unsuccessful embryo transfer where I have called my husband as I’ve walked to class because I’ve been teary.

It’s never because I don’t want to be in the room or share yoga.

It’s because I am grieving the life I hoped for in that moment and I need to let it out.

When I share yoga after those sad moments, it grounds me, it helps me feel better, and it helps me feel like myself.

This is one of the ways I know I am supposed to be sharing pregnancy and postnatal yoga with you, because I want to do it regardless of the sadness.

The sadness doesn’t go away but, somehow, I can live with it when I am supporting you on your journey.


And the being around babies thing,

I don’t think of my offering as something

that is about babies.

It's about you, the babies just happen to be a part of it.

I want you to have the best journey possible and I want to do what I can to help you to have that.

Kirsti x


Wear it anyway


When you can’t walk your “therapy dog” and life is sh*t