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Can you find more flow?
Personal Kirsti Patterson Personal Kirsti Patterson

Can you find more flow?

About four weeks ago we “moved house” without moving house.

Weird, I know, but it’s basically what we did.

The flow this has created is immense.

Even Doggo and BiscuitCat love it.

If you look at how your space flows is there something you could change? It doesn’t need to be as mammoth as mine. 

Perhaps you could shuffle one room around.

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Wear it anyway
Personal, Confidence Kirsti Patterson Personal, Confidence Kirsti Patterson

Wear it anyway

If we want to see change, we have to create it.

Here I am, living in a body that my "growing up in the 90's" brain still reminds me isn't acceptable, but I'm also a "middle-aged" woman living in 2024 that knows different.

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