Wear it anyway

If we want to see change, we have to create it.

Here I am, living in a body that my "growing up in the 90's" brain still reminds me isn't acceptable, but I'm also a "middle-aged" woman living in 2024 who knows different.

This body has endured so much and it's taken me to so many amazing places with amazing people.
Some days it's hard to remember to acknowledge this.

I felt good in the gym yesterday, getting back to movement to feel stronger.

Then I got dressed and the negative crept in.
There was sadness as it triggered the driver's behind the change in my body*.

It was hard to shake off.

Then I woke up this morning and put on a floaty crop top and some colourful Palazzo pants that exposed my stomach and thought "That's cute" 🥰

So here's another reminder from me to acknowledge and appreciate feelings that come up about your body.

But, try to reflect on it too.
You can feel good in anything you choose if you're able to wear It with confidence.

Channel confidence.

Nurture your amazing body and try not to talk to it like shit because soon you'll be old and wishing you'd worn the outfit/ done the thing/ gone to the place and you might not be able to anymore because you missed the opportunity.

I know it's easier said than done, but try.

Love, Kirsti x

* Read more here


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