Can you find more flow?

About four weeks ago we “moved house” without moving house.

Weird, I know, but it’s basically what we did.

We’ve been in our place for three years and things felt clunky.

For the last year, I’ve been suggesting we move our bedroom.

Finally, it happened and it feels so good.

The loft was our bedroom. It’s now my office/ yoga space/ spare bed/ wardrobe.

The front room was the husbeard’s office / spare bed. Now it’s our bedroom.

The back room was my office/ yoga space. It’s now the husbeards office.

It was a mammoth effort. 

All furniture had to be dismantled, carefully carried up & down the narrow loft stairs and rebuilt - at one point I was carrying a desk up the stairs and it was balancing on my chest and face. I don’t recommend this.

I’m also confident I have a scar on my left shin from walking into a bolt hanging from one of the beds.

The flow this has created is immense.

Even Doggo and BiscuitCat love it.


Life feels so much smoother.

I’m climbing up the loft stairs more often than I realised but it’s worth it.

This move around also allowed me to have a clear out, and if you’ve been part of the community for more than six months, you know I love a good clear out. It’s so freeing, so cleansing.

If you look at how your space flows is there something you could change? It doesn’t need to be as mammoth as mine. 

Perhaps you could shuffle one room around.

Can you access your clothes & shoes more easily and wear the things you forgot about?

Could you move your kitchen things about and reach the stuff you need with more ease?

Have a clear-out and create space for a little yoga corner so your mat is at the ready.

The options are there for you.

Have a look around you right now. 

What can you change to create more flow in your life?

Kirsti x


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