Permission to play

As adults, we’re often taking on more and more.

That could be a new job, moving home, caring for others, the list goes on…

This can be fun and exciting.

This can also be scary and overwhelming.

Whatever it is for you, the chances are, you’ve forgotten about the importance of play.

Children learn so much through play and I think we need more play in our lives as adults. 

My invitation to you today is to stop “growing up” and start playing and see what you discover.

You have a 15-minute yoga flow to move through focused on play as a doorway to discovery.


As you move around your mat see how it feels to:

  • Step forward

  • Lean back

  • Rise up

  • Push down

  • Pull back

  • Lift through

Can you observe the thoughts that come into your mind as you do this?

  • Do you feel silly?

  • Is there a lightness?

  • Can you let go of something you’ve been holding on to?

  • Do you have a little more openness to try things?

Roll out your mat and try to have some fun as we flow and play.

Kirsti ix


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