Need help with low back pain?

Low back pain is one of the most common complaints in pregnancy and postnatal bodies.

Let’s fix it together!

Low back pain is caused by a variety of reasons:

  • Changes in posture through pregnancy - lordosis & kyphosis.

  • Shift in the centre of gravity with the growth of your bump

  • Downward pressure through the pelvisdue to a growing bump & fuller chest

  • Feeding your little one in weird positions for extended periods

  • Changes in abdominal activation and strength

  • The list goes on…

Relieving low back pain is often an easy task but it can feel quite boring - the foundations often do - but they are critical.


Stick with them. Repeat them regularly. Progress at a pace that is right for you.

Work your way through the steps above and let me know how you get on.

I’m thinking of about shoulder pain relief in the next update, or do you want something different? Let me know.

Kirsti x


Battling Body Confidence


Do you have sore shoulders?