Forever Body Yoga

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Your (In)Flexible Body

Are you looking for more flexibility in your body?

More flexibility is one of the most common goals of people that join my yoga classes. And even better, it’s definitely something that my students achieve.

Before we get into achieving your flexibility goals, let’s look at what causes the tightness that you may be feeling first:

  • Lack of movement in your daily life, e.g. sitting at a desk, in the car, or on the couch for extended periods. This results in the connective tissue to get all dry which means it feels tight, like stale bread.

  • Postural alignment, when you sit or stand with your pelvis in an anterior tilt (leaning forward), or perhaps your chin is jutted forward. Both of these, and many other alignment issues, compress the connective tissue which means, once again, that those areas become tight, dry, uncomfortable & painful.

  • Repetitive movement in one way such as running or cycling. The connective tissue will be fab at one thing and the others, well, they are left out. And nobody likes to be left out.

  • Injury, or specifically, how your body heals from an injury. The connective tissue in your body will often get tighter around an injury in an attempt to prevent the injury from reoccurring. Your body is being super protective of you because getting injured is pants!

And now, how do you increase the flexibility in your body?
Movement! Movement! Movement!

You need to move your body.
You need to increase blood flow to stimulate muscle contraction, and then the friction builds which increases your internal heat, and finally, you influence your connective tissue. When you influence your connective tissue, in the right way of course, you will be on your way to reaching your flexibility goals.

And here’s the very cool thing. The yoga that I teach, LYT Yoga, is all about movement. It's about getting your body balanced. And as you now know, when your body is balanced, it gets flexible.

The people who join Forever Body Yoga classes are given lots of options for movement in their tight bodies. They are taught safe, sustainable movement and the flexibility just comes along. Pretty cool, right?

Check out this yoga flow for flexibility to get moving and increase the blood flow in your connective tissue, and reach your flexibility goals!

Better yet, join a Forever Body Yoga class and commit time for your body to stay focused on your goals!


Props are a great tool to help you move & flow if you’re body is really tight.

Below is a Forward Fold and a Downward Dog that are both supported and achieved with the use of yoga bricks.

I love yoga bricks and am constantly recommending them.

If you’re after some yoga bricks check out Ekotex Yoga. It’s a lovely family run yoga equipment company focused on sustainable products.

Use the code FBY10 at checkout and you will get 10% off their products using this link and it also helps me a little. They have great starter packs and prop packs for your home practice.