Forever Body Yoga

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Can you move a little slower?

Did you wake up with a pep in your step or are you feeling a little sluggish today?

I’ve been waking up earlier than needed the last few days and rather than get up and go, I have just been meandering about the flat… Slowly making my coffee, then another... Slouching on the couch, listening to podcasts, progressively unloading the dishwasher as I need a cup, a bowl etc, you get the idea. It definitely hasn’t been action stations!
Slowly, I’ve been moving to my yoga mat and slowly moving my body. Unwinding my spine from the weird positions I find myself sleeping in and bringing awareness to my breath. Sometimes, BiscuitCat will come and sit with me, sometimes she will swirl around me.

It’s been nice to have a little time for myself in the morning while its quiet outside and before the husbeard is out of bed grumbling to himself about how he hates mornings. Opposites attract don’t they!
Today, I invite you to join me on the mat for a slow yoga flow to open up your hips, spine, chest, & shoulders and, connecting with your breath, all while creating a little direction in your day.
And you can do all of that in just 15 minutes.
That doesn’t sound too bad now does it?
So, go grab your mat, take 15 minutes for yourself, and lets slowly move.

Kirsti x