Forever Body Yoga

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Are you struggling to find balance?

Do you ever find yourself in that push, push, push, do, do, do mode? I definitely do!

I’ve previously referred to myself as a cross between a Tasmanian Devil and a Sloth!
I’m an all or nothing kinda gal. Whatever I’m doing has my full commitment, dedication, and focus. Some people consider it a challenge or an issue. I call it focus and recovery. Over time, I’ve discovered the key part is the recovery. Without recovery, you end up with burnout.

My question to you is.. do you allow yourself time for recovery?
I used to get stuck in the pushing and striving mode. I forgot about recovery. Now, I try to remember it and I try to practice it.
Recovery doesn’t mean full-blown couch potato mode though, it’s more like 90% couch potato and 10% movement. Movement helps me stay in my body rather than focusing on whatever is going on in my mind. It also helps with my sleep patterns which can be a struggle for me.
I’ve been busy the last few weeks creating flows and building platforms to share them. So this week, I took some recovery time in an effort to practice what I preach.

Today, I invite you to join me in a Strong & Spacious recovery flow.

There are still options to add a little more oomph if you’re feeling oomphy.

The pace is a little slower which means you can breathe for longer and you also get to connect to the movement a little more.

It's a full-body yoga flow, but the focus is on finding space in your body.

If you're someone who loves to push on through, this class is for you. It’s the yin to your yang, without being full-on yin yoga.

If you're someone who struggles to sit, breathe, or take it a fraction slower, this class is also for you.

If you're someone who wants to build strength while opening your shoulders, this class is also for you.

If you're someone who just likes to move, then this class is also for you!

So, go get your yoga mat or towel and take a little time for your mind & body as we move together in this thing we call yoga.

Click here to unroll your mat and let's move together

Kirsti x